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How to Bounce Back from a Mediocre Review

I hope everyone’s New Year has started swimmingly!

If you have been following me for a while, you know that I am in the process of (finally!) publishing my book! In fact, my book’s release date is 2/20/2020 and I am super excited to finally share this story with you all!

As part of my publishing journey, I thought I would purchase a professional book review.  I did this for a couple reasons. One, I namely wanted my book to feel even more official by garnering a review; and two, I did want a bit more constructive feedback on my work. After I shopped around for a review service that fit my needs, and my budget, I decided to take the plunge with IndieReader.

I will admit that I know my book isn’t necessarily the best or the greatest new novel. I sought to tell a simple love story that could be enjoyed for what it is, a simple love story. In that, I am happy and feel as though I accomplished my goal. So knowing this and being proud of telling this story anyway I decided to see how this review process would actually go.

Well, I received the review back before it was posted and I would have to say that the review was…fair. The reviewer gave an overall 2.9/5 score (that .1 rating off does slightly bother me) and shared what I found to be very solid feedback which you could review here. However, you may be wondering, what do you do after you receive a mediocre review?

I could have very well gone back to the drawing board and revised and edited. Though, I feel that had I gone that route, my story would never be absolutely perfect and I would constantly second-guess myself. I already had my book edited and was content with the story told. Could there be improvement? Of course, there is always room for improvement. So I decided to take the other route and internalize the review for what it was and move on. My next novel will be better. My next story will be more profound. My next story will be stronger. For now, I am happy with my work and feel the story is what I wanted to share.

When you purchase a review, there is a clause that you could twist the words into a more favorable review which I of course intend to use to my benefit. However, I will take the feedback to heart as I work on my next work. I found the review process to be enlightening and would definitely do it again, and possibly garner more reviews. Plus, I do take pride in knowing that my book wasn’t seen as completely horrible (ha!).

So, future writers and authors, take all feedback with a grain of salt and tell your story. Do what works for you but most importantly, write what makes you happy and proud and content. That’s what I always intend to do going forward and I look forward to my future writing ventures. Until next time, readers!


  1. Kylie

    I think the problem with reviews are that they are so subjective. What one person loves, another won’t and so the review is based on someone’s personal opinion and won’t necessarily mean that others won’t enjoy it. Keep up the amazing work and congratulations on publishing your book – that is where the focus should be! xx

  2. Geraline Batarra

    Good luck on your book..! It’s so nice to read about your success, it’s so inspiring..! 🎉 😘

  3. Lisa fucci

    I could only imagine how that would feel. Pouring your heart into a project to have someone not truly see it. You have a great head on your shoulders. Keep it up!!!

  4. Maartje van Sandwijk

    As long as it’s feedback that you can actually use, I think it’s easier to bounce back. If it’s just someone saying that it’s badly written but doesn’t give any more details, it’s really hard!

    • admin

      That is true. With this review, I felt it was fair and I could see where they were coming from so at least it wasn’t a waste in that regard.

  5. Megan Kerry

    I can’t believe they felt so inclined as to give a 2.9 instead of just a 3! That would have bothered me. But I like that you are open to receiving constructive feedback. And, I’m sure the people who really enjoy your work will love your novel just the same! Congrats on the new book!

    • admin

      Thank you so much! That tenths will burn a bit but hey, my next novel will be even better that there will be no doubt how it should be rated!

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