I sat in my dorm room, staring at a blank Google doc screen on my laptop. I was recently given an assignment from my creative writing course to produce a piece for critique for the following week. I had snippets of older writing I could have shown but somehow felt as though I should write something new. In this course, we were tasked with producing work whether old or new to present to our classmates in rotations. This was my second rotation and the previous rotation, I had already shared an older piece, one that even I admit was a bit risque as it was one of my more steamy, erotica-typed pieces. So rather than subject my classmates to something of that caliber again, here I sat on a Thursday evening willing inspiration to come.
It is hard to describe that exact moment when inspiration strikes. I know many people write it off as a ‘lightbulb’ moment or one when things just ‘click’. Well in that moment, that’s just what happened, as cliche as it may sound. Inspiration simply struck and I was the orchestrator as these words and moments and characters leapt from my mind and coursed through my typing fingers. It began as a simple love story as you will see partially excerpted below, but little did I know that that one fateful, essentially free-write of an assignment would become my first complete novel years later and published…
I share this moment because I am proud to say, my debut novel THE POINT has officially been released today! I have written bits and pieces of inspired moments over the years but this is my first official completed work and it feels oh so good to finally be unveiled to the public. It is needless to say that I am riding a wave of emotions at this moment – pride, excitement, anxiety, nerves, happiness – but I truly am grateful for this moment.
For those who have been following me on other outlets and in previous posts, know that I was supposed to have a book launch today as well but due to some technical conflicts would have to push back to March 14th as you will see attached below as well. However, it is a feat and one that I now feel helps to motivate me even more with my next work in progress. Mind you, it is very different from the love story you will see in The Point but so challenging and rewarding as I branch into other genres.
I hope you take the time to enjoy this brief excerpt, perhaps join me at the official launch if you are in the NYC area in March or even feel free to peruse and grab a copy on my new tab, Amazon, or other book retailer outlet. Thank you so much, readers, for following me on this journey. I look forward to sharing more on my other works and journeys very, very soon!
Excerpt from THE POINT:
You see, there’s this girl. And not just any girl. This girl is THE girl. She is THE one. You know how we always search for THE one? The one that makes us that much better just because they are there to shed some sort of light in our life with just a look or a touch? The one that makes life worth living and makes you want to be the person that they deserve as well? Well I found her, but like every darn good thing that comes into my life, I lost her. I know, you’re probably thinking, here’s another story about a jerk who’s going to proclaim that he’s found the one and lost her doing something incredibly stupid.
But let me tell you how that’s NOT the case. Yes, I’ve probably been a jerk at some point in my life, and yes, I found the love of my life, and yes, I may have done some-thing incredibly stupid, but here’s the kicker – it wasn’t all MY fault. Bet you don’t hear that every day. In fact, it was both of our faults, maybe even hers more so than mine but again that’s not the point.
The point, dammit, is that I lost her and really want – no NEED – her back in my life. Maybe I’m crazy enough to think she would want me back or that I actually deserve her, but that’s not the point either. The point of it all is not whether we deserve one another, because I mean, who can ever really know what one deserves? I can hardly make up my mind about what I want for lunch but yet I know that I deserve a woman as awesomely brilliant and perfectly flawed as Alice? No, it’s not about deserving. It’s needing and complementing and all that wonderful shit. Completing each other, you know?
I’ll be honest, I don’t get mushy about much, but when I lose something I really care about, I get mushy. I’m human, hell. Am I not allowed to get mushy and sentimental and crap? But right, the point. The absolute point of why I’m telling you all this is real and complex and deep and won-derful and scary and stupid and crazy and just IS all at the same time. The point I am getting at is when you find some-one who you absolutely cannot live without, who really and totally completes YOU – and I’m not talking the artificial you that you create in your head to please everyone, but the real God-honest YOU – the one hardly anyone, if anyone at all, knows – the inner turmoil and twisted, dark you that even you weren’t sure fully existed YOU. If you found this person who gets that and I mean really gets THAT, then for God’s sake, you fight for that person and win back that per-son and do whatever it takes to get that person back in your life forever. How do you do that? you may ask. Well that’s the point…
If you are interested and available to attend in NYC, feel free to check out my book launch event!

I have been working on being a published author. Great info here!
I wish you all the best on your journey!
Congratulations on publishing “The Point”, this looks like a great read. I’m going to look into it on Amazon. Good luck with your launch party.
Thanks so much! I hope you do check it out!
Congrats on your achievements! It takes some time to get a novel published but you did well.
It really does, ha. Thank you!
Congrats! What a huge achievement!
Thank you!
Congrats, that’s a huge achievement that you should be so proud of!
Thank you! I definitely am!
Congratulations! I think it’s every women’s dream to have their say be published and be immortalized in a book.
Thank you, it is a good feeling!
Congratulations. i love writing but i have never finished a complete book. this is inspiring. I like the excerpt, which means the book is even better. The cover looks great too. Congrats again.
Thanks so much! I hope you’re able to check it out! Good luck on your endeavors as well.
Wow congrats on being a published author. That is super exciting.
It is. Thank you so much!!
I am so happy for you! congratulations! That’s absolutely major!
Thank you! It is, one of my lifelong dreams is accomplished!
Wow! Congratulation on this amazing moment in your life, truly very proud of any person doing their best and got what they’ve expected. Keep doing what you’ve loved and you will never regret it.
Thank you so much! Yes, this will be the first of many because I have always loved writing.
Congratulations on your debut novel! You must be so proud and excited about the launch! You are right, you can’t just write whenever, you can’t be inspired all the time. You might not get any inspiration in that week that you have for your assignment.
Thankfully I did that week, haha! But thank you so much!
You achieved something that I only dreamt of. Hopefully I get to become one as well. Congratulations!
I’m sure it’ll happen for you when it’s time. Thanks so much!
CONGRATS!!! This is such an amazing accomplishment, I am so happy for you…And this is just a start.
Thank you so much! And yes, this is definitely the first of many works to come!
Congratulations on being published! That is so exciting!
Thank you so much! It definitely is!
Great achievement! Congrats! Have a fruitful year ahead.. 😊
Thank you so much! All the best to you as well!
Congratulations on your novel being published. That’s amazing. It’s kind of like J.K. Rowling. I once heard her talk about her books and that they just came to her and she started to write and had everything already in her head. It’s pretty amazing. Good for you! 🙂
Thank you so much! That experience definitely mirrors my own, so it is exciting to say the least.