Well, like most bloggers and fledgling writers, I am interested in becoming an author and novelist. As part of this blog, I will run a series of updates as I embark on my journey to becoming an author.
So, to start, I have been writing stories since I was a child. Short stories here and dabblings to small moments there but I had never completed a full-length work until this past summer (finally, yay!). This past July to be exact, I had finally finished my first full novel and I am super excited to see where it goes!
At this point, I am in the revising stage which I am finding nearly as grueling as the process of completing the novel. As I disseminate my dialogues and character developments, I am also researching best practices of how exactly to get my work in the hands of literary agents and publishers, and whether I should actually traditionally publish or self-publish. It is a process but getting the whole story out while completing grad school and teaching was definitely a challenge. I will continue to update though as I am also seeking a writing group or even a professional who I could physically sit down and analyze my novel… We’ll see how that goes. In the meantime, any comments or insights would be appreciated in the section below!
(Photo and Book Design Credit to my husband, shameless plug, whose site can be found here for other work! – studioflete.com)